Why You Should Filter Your Air

by wfcadmin

Dirty air is a big problem. The World Health Organization estimates that over 6 million people die each year from the combined effects of household air pollution and ambient air pollution. Outdoor air pollution has been an issue for a long time, but people don’t tend to give as much thought to the quality of… continue reading.

The Value of Annual AC Maintenance

by wfcadmin

Spring is here, and that means it’s the time of year to arrange for a professional air conditioning maintenance. Routine spring maintenance is one of the biggest favors you can do for your AC—and for yourself and your family! We offer air conditioning maintenance in Northern Kentucky and the surrounding areas. If you call today,… continue reading.

End-of-Summer HVAC Checklist

by wfcadmin

Fall is just around the corner. And since it’s America’s most popular season (according to a poll from YouGov), there’s a lot to look forward to. With temperatures in Kentucky averaging a 68º high and 42º low, fall is the perfect season to shut off your air conditioner, open the windows, and relax. Indeed, fall… continue reading.